💥 A hotel in Atlanta was forced to close down for several weeks after victims were declared.
💥 Reported USA jury awards have been as high as $6MM and many cases are settled out of court without published settlement amounts.
💥 Judge awards $7.5M to victims of Quebec City Legionnaires' outbreak.
💥In France, UK and Japan, landlords, Duty Holders, Responsible Persons, sentence to hudge fines and prison.
💥 Presence of Legionella in the workplace caused the death of a security officer employee commercial real estate in Gatineau..
💥A paper mill in Quebec stopped its operations for 4 days, which cost 1.2 million dollars in revenues loss.
💥 Legionellosis outbreak associated with a hotel fountain killed three people in Chicago.
💥 Office building cooling tower shutdown after positive results have been received and resulted in the tenant’s transactional servers & data center shutdown making them lose lots of sales.
💥 Bad press nightmare for all these companies to find themselves on google for ever!